Membership and Volunteering

The East Anglian Railway Museum is a registered charity that is run and operated by people like you. Without the hard work, enthusiasm and time given by our amazing working members, we simply wouldn’t be here. (Minimum Age 18*) 

We are looking for volunteers to help with all aspects of running the Museum, if you can spare some time from a few hours to a day or two per week please get in touch, we need you to help us make sure the Museum is here for future generations, some examples of how you can volunteer with us are listed below.

please fill in the form here and one of volunteers will be in touch

Gardening, Land Scaping


Carriage and Engine restoration
Administration eg Document/ Picture Scanning, Archiving etc (Most of this work can be done remotely from the Site)

Becoming a working member

The East Anglian Railway Museum is a registered charity that is run and operated by people like you. Without the hard work, enthusiasm and time given by our amazing working members, we simply wouldn’t be here. People of all ages are welcome to join us as members and volunteer.

The Museum attracts a diverse range of people from different walks of life, all with a common interest in keeping the museum running, its history alive and here for future generations to enjoy. It does not matter if you are not handy with trains, we have a wide range of roles and no experience is necessary, just enthusiasm.

Minimum age to volunteer is18 years old (16-18 must be accompanied by a responsible adult and subject to review with EARM Head of Department.

Tour Guides, Talks and Events

We are keen for social and industrial history enthusiasts to become involved in leading guided tours, talks and educational events.

If you can contribute to the understanding of our heritage site, we would love to hear from you.

Operating the Railway

You can join our training scheme and learn how to  operate the trains on the Museum’s Railway.

You can get involved by becoming a crossing keeper, guard, fireman, train driver or signalman. No previous experience is necessary.

Engineering Works

There is always a job to do around the site, from painting to cleaning, to restoration of our rolling stock and site buildings. 

Recent projects include the new doors on the Goods Shed, the new level crossing gates and the panelling for the GWR ‘Toad’ Brake Van. 

No technical or engineering experience is required as you will be able to pick up the necessary skills as you work alongside our existing members.

Annual Membership Costs

Adult (16 to 59): £22
Joint Adults (i.e. two adults living at same address): £33
Senior (60 and Over): £20 Junior (4 to 12): £10
Student (13 to 15 or 22 in full time education): £10
Family membership (based on two adults or seniors and up to three juniors/students): £43
Adult life membership (16 to 59): £365
Joint adult life membership (ie, two adults living at the same address): £500
Senior life membership (60 and Over): £300
Joint senior life membership (ie, two seniors living at the same address): £450

Membership Benefits

  • Reduced admission on some event days.
  • Copy of the museum’s regular journal, the Stour Valley Steam, back copies and forum available at the Museum.
  • Eligibility to join the museum’s training programs for operating duties
    Any member who is coming on site to work, either operational or non-operational is admitted free on all days.

You can become a member by downloading a membership form below. Once complete, email it to or post to the Museum, please see payment options below.

It’s better for us if you can pay via GoCardless Direct Debit – this secure way allows us to automatically take payment each year, and saves us time in generating renewal forms and postage – Visit this link to join this way (please also download the Membership form and email it to

To pay online, please email the form to the address above, then visit our Online Ticketing System here and choose the relevant membership class and go through to payment.

If you wish to pay by Cheque please mail the form back with your cheque to the Museum Reception.

Once we have recieved your payment, you will be sent a Membership Card, latest issue of our in-house journal Stour Valley Steam. If you are a UK Taxpayer, please consider GiftAiding your Membership to increase the value of your donation to the Museum, a GiftAid form can be downloaded below and sent to the Membership Secretary at the Museum.

Membership of the Museum is requirement for taking part in voluntary work on-site, by becoming a member we will send you details on how to get involved. If you are already a member, and wish to volunteer, please email and they will forward your request to the volunteer coordinator.
By becoming a member you agree to abide by the Museum Constitution.

Donations are an important part of our income, and for larger sums, these can be made tax efficient via GiftAid.

If you have any further questions or queries regarding becoming a member of the Museum or getting involved as a Volunteer, please contact the Membership Secretary via, or if you’d rather call, please leave a message via the Museum Reception on 01206 242524 and we will get back to you as soon as possible.